Your search for "Press release" return 73 results.
Ceva conducts latest of its Expert Symposia >
Veterinary specialists gather in Madrid to discuss latest trends in sow reproduction
Ceva finishes first decade of success with strong growth >
2010 results demonstrate global ability to generate sales and earnings
Ceva launches latest of its Vector Vaccines at VIV Asia 2011 >
VECTORMUNE HVT- NDV® generates strong interest at symposium organised to present new strategies to combat Newcastle Disease.
Ceva honours rare livestock breeds during the French National Prize for Animal Agro biodiversity Awards ceremony >
The Fondation du Patrimoine and Ceva Santé Animale awarded the “Fondation du Patrimoine National Animal Agro-Biodiversity Prize” to 3 associations committed to preserving regional livestock breed, dur...
Ceva stresses the need for continued innovation to ensure effective disease control at IPPE 2017 >
Vectormune® ND, vaccine for Newcastle Disease (ND) Cevac IBird®, for Infectious Bronchitis (IB) prevention will continue to lead offerings for effective and easily administered disease control.
Ceva acquires Biovac, leading French manufacturer of Autogenous vaccines >
Move will reinforce group’s AMR strategy to find alternative solutions to use of antibiotics
One Health put into practice: Veterinary and human cardiologists discuss cardiovascular disease in pets >
Paris, February 2016 - ‘Making tomorrow happen today’ was the theme of the human-veterinary cross-talk symposium organised by Ceva on February 19.
"Healthier flocks for healthy food" - Ceva Poultry Vaccinology Summit in Barcelona >
This Summit provided the first scientific evidence that vaccination in the hatchery with new technology vaccines can create a step change from disease protection to disease prevention, by minimizing t...
Ceva Australia commits to save the koalas >
Animal health company donates drugs to cure life-threatening disease
Ceva’s commitment to cats rewarded with 2 International Cat Care Awards >
Libourne, 22 September 2015 - In recognition of their commitment to producing feline friendly products, Ceva Animal Health have received two industry awards. At a prestigious event in London last we...