Your search for "Press release" return 73 results.
Ceva stresses the need for more INNOVATION in the hatchery to drive growing global demand for poultry meat >
Company launches Cevac IBird ® a live, attenuated IB vaccine, to add to its portfolio of 16 new technology vaccines
Ceva’s growth continues despite difficult market conditions >
Libourne, France, 22 July, 2013: Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached €310m in the first 6 months of 2013, up by 2%, 4.2% on the previous year at a constant perimeter and exchange rates. C...
Signature of a scientific collaboration protocol about avian influenza with South China Agricultural University >
Paris, May 29th 2013 1- Ceva, a socially responsible company committed to the well-being of the planet Ceva Santé Animale is a multi-national French based animal health company that counts over 3000 e...
Ceva creates 60 strong teams to support innovative vaccination services on farm and in the hatchery >
Recent research showed Ceva that their customers want more than just good vaccines; they want 100% of their birds correctly vaccinated.
Ceva uses creative thinking in new approach to innovation in Industrial equity >
Libourne, France 2nd May 2013: Most of the time innovation in the bio-pharmaceutical field is associated with the scientific R&D teams. But having the latest technology vaccines is of little value i...
Ceva enter global partnership to improve Cat Care >
Partnership between International Cat Care and Ceva will work closely to promote the benefits of cat ownership
Stamp Out Sleeping sickness (S.O.S.) initiative highlighted at WHO 3rd International Conference on Neglected Zoonotic >
At the WHO Third International Conference on Neglected Zoonotic Diseases held on November 23/24 2010, Dr. Anthony Mbonye, the Commissioner of Health Services in Uganda praised the SOS initiative as an...
Ceva records double digit growth for 3rd. successive year >
14% growth pushes sales beyond 600 M€ for first time
Ceva vector vaccine symposium now available as a web-seminar >
The highly successful vector vaccines symposium organized by Ceva this October in San Diego can now be viewed online.
Ceva presents a complete range of vector vaccines at IPE 2013 >
Vectormune® ND and Transmune® IBD, “The Perfect Pair” of vaccines for Gumboro and Newcastle prevention can now be administered in one injection at the hatchery.