Your search for "Results" return 46 results.
Ceva finishes first decade of success with strong growth >
2010 results demonstrate global ability to generate sales and earnings
Ceva continues to deliver double-digit growth >
Sales up 20% versus S1 2016, driven by organic growth and acquisitions
Ceva launches latest of its Vector Vaccines at VIV Asia 2011 >
VECTORMUNE HVT- NDV® generates strong interest at symposium organised to present new strategies to combat Newcastle Disease.
Ceva Phylaxia inaugurates state of the art vaccine plant to support “Innovation with Impact” growth plan >
7,8 billion forint (€ 25m) investment will significantly increase production at its Budapest Campus
World Veterinary Association and Ceva Santé Animale announce the creation of the Global Animal Welfare Awards 2017 >
As global understanding and concern for animal welfare continues to change, so must the veterinary community evolve to embrace these changes and reflect societal expectations.
C.H.I.C.K Program receives the 1st independently audited quality recognition >
For the first time, an AH company services program receives internationally recognized quality approval from Bureau Veritas.
Ceva sponsors the International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpes viruses organised by INRA, France >
11th International Symposium on Marek’s Disease and Avian Herpes viruses organized in Tours, France
Ceva reports annual growth of 12% and reaffirms ambition to enter the global top 5 by 2020 >
Raft of new product launches across significant markets powers strong sales in 2015
Ceva enters Indian market with acquisition of Polchem >
Strong customer technical support will provide a natural platform for the coming together of the 2 businesses.