Your search for "innovation" return 65 results.
Ceva posts strong double-digit growth again in 2014 >
Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached €766m at the end of 2014, representing growth of 23% and +14.1% at a constant perimeter and exchange rates.
Ceva “State of the Art” Summit at VIV Asia 2015 >
Ceva’s poultry, swine, services & equipment teams will focus on what is “State of the Art” in animal production during the VIV Asia international trade show to be held in Bangkok from March 11th - 13t...
Ceva US Joins Fear Free™ Initiative As Inaugural Industry Sponsor >
Ceva today announced its commitment to Fear Free,™ an innovative initiative developed by “America’s Veterinarian” Dr. Marty Becker to in his words, “take the pet out of petrified and get pets back int...
Ceva Santé Animale reinforces its pharmaceutical production capacity, opening a new plant at its headquarters in Libourne France >
Libourne, 3 October 2014 – Ceva Santé Animale, the global veterinary health group, has invested €18 million in renovating and extending its sterile products plant in Libourne. The new industrial facil...
Mérieux Développement becomes a shareholder of Ceva Santé Animale >
Ceva Santé Animale announces the arrival of a new shareholder, Mérieux Développement, the investment company of Institut Mérieux.
Ceva merges all R&D activity and nominates Dr. Steve Chu as member of the Executive Committee >
Libourne 4th September 2014 - Ceva Santé Animale announced the appointment of Dr.Chu to its executive committee with responsibility for all R&D activities. The move recognises the growing importan...
New C.H.I.C.K. Program application for hatchery vaccination services >
Ceva boosts its hatchery vaccination services with powerful new C.H.I.C.K. Program app.
Cooperation between Veterinary Department of Myanmar and Ceva Santé Animale >
Towards a bilateral cooperation between the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department of Myanmar and Ceva Santé Animale
Ceva calls for more action “together” to overcome Avian Influenza >
Latest Poultry Vaccinology Summit in Mexico focuses on Avian influenza
Ceva proposes new respiratory health programs for swine >
Symposium held prior to ESPHM presents benefits of more targeted vaccination