Your search for "nd" return 15 results.
Ceva’s growth continues despite difficult market conditions >
Libourne, France, 22 July, 2013: Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached €310m in the first 6 months of 2013, up by 2%, 4.2% on the previous year at a constant perimeter and exchange rates. C...
Ceva records double digit growth for 3rd. successive year >
14% growth pushes sales beyond 600 M€ for first time
Ceva presents a complete range of vector vaccines at IPE 2013 >
Vectormune® ND and Transmune® IBD, “The Perfect Pair” of vaccines for Gumboro and Newcastle prevention can now be administered in one injection at the hatchery.
The Perfect Pair is now available >
A great innovation in the protection against Newcastle and Gumboro Diseases
Ceva will launch the “Perfect Pair” for hatchery vaccination at World Poultry Congress >
Great innovation to be launched at 24th WPC in Brazil, August 5-9 2012