Your search for "newcastle disease" return 63 results.
Avian Flu - Ceva's reveals plans to develop new AI H7 vaccine during latest summit in Mexico >
Ceva gathered experts from around the world to share the latest findings on the global threat posed by Avian Influenza (AI)
Ceva acquires Biovac, leading French manufacturer of Autogenous vaccines >
Move will reinforce group’s AMR strategy to find alternative solutions to use of antibiotics
One Health put into practice: Veterinary and human cardiologists discuss cardiovascular disease in pets >
Paris, February 2016 - ‘Making tomorrow happen today’ was the theme of the human-veterinary cross-talk symposium organised by Ceva on February 19.
"Healthier flocks for healthy food" - Ceva Poultry Vaccinology Summit in Barcelona >
This Summit provided the first scientific evidence that vaccination in the hatchery with new technology vaccines can create a step change from disease protection to disease prevention, by minimizing t...
Ceva reports annual growth of 12% and reaffirms ambition to enter the global top 5 by 2020 >
Raft of new product launches across significant markets powers strong sales in 2015
Ceva Australia commits to save the koalas >
Animal health company donates drugs to cure life-threatening disease
Ceva to focus on science of Vaccinology during Budapest Poultry Summit >
Libourne 20th April 2015 - On April 28 - 30 in Budapest, Hungary, Ceva will hold its yearly summit designed to help poultry producers improve performance by increasing their awareness of the most inno...
Experts from around the world gather to discuss the global threat of AI: “the US will be prepared to vaccinate if necessary” >
Mid-September, experts from around the world gathered in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss the threat of Avian Influenza (AI) to global poultry stocks. A two hour symposium, hosted by global animal h...
US stockpiles bird flu vaccine ahead of fears an outbreak could occur this autumn >
Decision follows much consultation with experts following devastating outbreaks across the country already in 2015.
Ceva to showcase latest hatchery innovations during World Veterinary Poultry Association congress >
Libourne 31th August 2015 – The XIXth World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) congress takes place on September (7th- 11th) in Cape Town, South Africa with Ceva as a diamond sponsor. The congress...