Your search for "newcastle disease" return 63 results.
Ceva’s new generation Vectormune® AI vaccine proves to be a useful tool to control HPAI >
A paper* recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine** reports that Ceva’s new generation vaccine, Vectormune® AI, offers significant advantages over previously available vaccines against...
Ceva “State of the Art” Summit at VIV Asia 2015 >
Ceva’s poultry, swine, services & equipment teams will focus on what is “State of the Art” in animal production during the VIV Asia international trade show to be held in Bangkok from March 11th - 13t...
Ceva becomes official partner of Vet2011 >
2011 is World Veterinary year, let’s show pride in our profession “Vet for health, Vet for food, Vet for the planet!”.
Tildren® receives FDA approval to control clinical signs of Navicular Syndrome >
Tildren® is now available in the US
Mérieux Développement becomes a shareholder of Ceva Santé Animale >
Ceva Santé Animale announces the arrival of a new shareholder, Mérieux Développement, the investment company of Institut Mérieux.
Cooperation between Veterinary Department of Myanmar and Ceva Santé Animale >
Towards a bilateral cooperation between the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department of Myanmar and Ceva Santé Animale
Ceva calls for more action “together” to overcome Avian Influenza >
Latest Poultry Vaccinology Summit in Mexico focuses on Avian influenza
Ceva proposes new respiratory health programs for swine >
Symposium held prior to ESPHM presents benefits of more targeted vaccination
The science of vaccinology at Lisbon Summit >
Poultry professionals hear it all from Ceva at Lisbon summit
Co-operation in Hungary to prevent zoonosis >
A conference was held in Budapest to facilitate the control of diseases transmissible from animals to humans