Your search for "newcastle disease" return 63 results.
Ceva continues rapid growth in 2011 >
Twin pillar strategy of combining internal and external growth opportunities drives further global expansion goes online ! >
CEVAC TRANSMUNE, the innovative vaccine for the control of Gumboro Disease, used in more than 50 countries is now online on !!
Second joint Human and Veterinary Cardiology Symposium >
Together for health, in the heart of Bordeaux
Ceva acquires Vetech Laboratories, Inc. >
Move adds significant poultry vaccine to innovative portfolio
Ceva Swine Team conduct latest symposium >
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae: the latest scientific research applied to field control strategies.
Instituto Sanidad Ganadera, Argentina acquired by Ceva >
New company will build on strong biological expertise and expand Ceva’s platform in South American zone.
Joint Venture agreement between Ceva and Huadu signed in Beijing >
“Ceva Huadu” to become Innovation & R&D platform for biologicals
Vector vaccines symposium - 23th September 2010 >
CEVA will hold its first vector vaccines symposium in San Diego, USA from october 6-8th2010. Together with presenting its advanced technology, the forum will encourage the sharing of worldwide experie...
Group overview >
Driven to innovate and with a proven record of double-digit growth, Ceva is one of the fastest growing top 10 animal healthcare companies. Our vision reaches far beyond animal health and welfare.