Your search for "viv asia" return 19 results.
Ceva continues to deliver double-digit growth >
Sales up 20% versus S1 2016, driven by organic growth and acquisitions
Ceva launches latest of its Vector Vaccines at VIV Asia 2011 >
VECTORMUNE HVT- NDV® generates strong interest at symposium organised to present new strategies to combat Newcastle Disease.
World Veterinary Association and Ceva Santé Animale announce the creation of the Global Animal Welfare Awards 2017 >
As global understanding and concern for animal welfare continues to change, so must the veterinary community evolve to embrace these changes and reflect societal expectations.
Ceva shines light on the future with focus on innovation during VIV Asia 2017 >
Ceva’s teams brought innovation to the fore during VIV Asia 2017
Launch of the WVPA-Ceva joint Digital Library >
Launch of a digital library resource on poultry veterinary medicine
Ceva Santé Animale confirms its circle of virtuous growth in 2016 >
2016 was a year of sustained organic growth and major acquisitions. Consolidated sales reached €912m as the Ceva Group continued to achieve double-digit growth, cementing its position as the 6th. larg...
Ceva posts strong double-digit growth again in H1 2015 >
Libourne 22 nd July 2015 - Consolidated sales of the Ceva Group reached €424m at the end of June 2015, representing growth of 16% and +12% at constant perimeter and exchange rates. Sales grew in all...
Ceva “State of the Art” Summit at VIV Asia 2015 >
Ceva’s poultry, swine, services & equipment teams will focus on what is “State of the Art” in animal production during the VIV Asia international trade show to be held in Bangkok from March 11th - 13t...
Ceva proposes new respiratory health programs for swine >
Symposium held prior to ESPHM presents benefits of more targeted vaccination